14 years ago
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
RuneScape is an online game that is based on the mideval times and its really fun and you have to level up skills like fishing, hunting, fletching, attack, strength, defense, magic, prayer,rune crafting, health, mining, wood cutting, fire making, thieving, agility, summoning, and a few others that i cant remember. Also you can level up in your combat level which is your total level in all. When you first start the game you have to start out at level 3 and work your way up. Throughout the game you get to access mini games in which you get stuff that you can wear depending on the event. If you are a member you get to wear all the best armor in the game like dragon armor, or the leaders of the game like dharoks armor or the range armor of kharil, or the mages of the game like zamorak, saradomin, or guthix who are the followers of the leaders. If you are a free player you can work your way up through different stages of attack, strength, and defence. When you work your way up through the levels you can wear different armors and weild different types of swords or battle axes and the highest armor and weapons you can weild as a free member is rune. If youre a member and have a subsription to the game you can go through the whole game without having restrictions. If youre a free player you can go to a certain distance but some areas are for members only and you have to be a member to go to the members worlds which are located as gold stars when you go to select a world and the silver stars are for free players.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My Thanksgiving Vacation
My Thanksgiving vacation was pretty exciting because i ate alot of food and alot of turkey. I also had fun with my family and it was a good Thanksgiving. I had chocolate cream pie and pumpkin pie. I got to spend time with my dad because last Thnksgiving i was in long creek and he was still driving truck at the time so it was nice to get to spend the holiday with him. I also got to think about my grand parents and how they werent with us this holiday. I miss them alot and i wish they were there because they would have beenso proud of me and they would have enjoyed the food and the family.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Significant Thanksgiving Memory
A significant Thanksgiving memory that i have is one thanksgiving i was at my house and this was when my grandpa was alive and we were eating and i was teasing my dog with a turkey leg and he jumped up and took it and ran under the table and swallowed it and i was like hey that was mine. On that day my grandpa was laughing really hard and he always calls dinner our comedy hour because thats the only time he really came upstairs. We had alot of fun though and my grandpa is gone now though so we wont have another funny thanksgiving but i think we can make it an interesting one.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What i really want for Christmas is an original x-box because i had one before and i really liked it alot and i had some really good games. one of my favorite games was def jam vendetta fight for new york and it was a awesome fighting game and i was undefeated at the game not even my sisters boyfriend could beat me at it and he was alright at it. The reason i want one is because i had one before and it broke after like 3 years i had it and i had to throw it away and i was mad because my dad could've paid like 17 dollars to get Microsoft to fix it and i begged him and he was like no so thats what i want for Christmas.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Joey Jordison
Joey Jordison is the best drummer in the history of heavy metal. He is really fast and he gets every beat so perfect its awesome. Personally he is my favorite drummer and i like how he does his drumming its just so inspiring that it makes me want to be a drummer and if i do become a drummer i want to be as good as he is. If i was him i would be so proud of myself because thats the perfect achievement.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ha ha i just started laughing for no specific reason at all. I like to laugh i don't know about you but i like to laugh a lot and its like the best way to get out of a bad mood and im in a bad mood pretty often so laughing is my way to blow off steam. Ha ha i love laughing so im gonna go now cuz im really bored and i have nothing to do so peace out.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
World Of Warcraft
World of war craft is a cool online game that is really fun. Its like runescape but funner and you can actually go pking on this game and you get to customize your own character so if you wanted a mage or a warrior you can make one. I signed up like a year ago and i love it its so much fun and i can log on and be with my friends at the same time because some of them actually play it. Some of my friends play runescape but i play WOW. Its a fun game but if you ask people about it they don't know what it is but its mad fun.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Misfits
The Misfits are from the 80's and their a pretty hardcore band. I don't know if their still together or not but i just discovered them over the summer by a person i worked with. I have like all their songs on my i pod and their some awesome songs. My favorite songs are last caress and attitude and their mad funny. I like the band because they are old and i don't know very many people that even know who they are but there are some people that like them and have a couple of their cd's and i dont have any but i have songs on my i pod so i'm all set. If anyone actually takes the time to read this blog u should look up the misfits on lime wire or i tunes or what ever you have for a music provider and just do it and you might like them.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Halo is the best game in the world
Halo is a nasty game i mean its really insane in the membrane. I like Halo 3 the best because its the newest halo game but their all my favorite because they are like games based on the future of war. I'm not saying that the people were going to be fighting in the future are going to look like the characters in the game but you never know they might. Halo is a good game and a lot of people like halo especially if your a nerd because they are crazy about halo and all the other games that have to do with science fiction or any other games that people like to play but i like a lot of games so i cant call everybody who plays halo a nerd but i definitely love halo. Their is a picture to the side of this blog and its a picture of the Halo sniper rifle and its my favorite gun in the game because its what i want to be when i grow up and go in the army.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Juggalo family
You know juggalo family always sticks together and if your a juggalo you should know about that stuff. A bunch of my friends are juggalos and we all are hardcore juggalos and we absolutely love icp and if you don't like them i feel bad for you because juggalos always stick together so if you mess with one of us you mess with all of us so keep that in mind this goes out to all the juggalos keeping it real.
Atreyu is a nasty heavy metal band that has alot of good songs including bleeding mascara and you eclipsed by me. I like Atreyu because they are a good band and they are actually pretty chill and they make some nasty songs. I don't know if they have any beef with any body but i don't think they do so they don't really talk about people in their songs. My favorite song by them would have to be bleeding mascara. Well they are pretty cool so if u haven't heard them you should look them up on the internet.
Rodney Mullen
Rodney Mullen is a skateboarding genius he is so good at ground tricks no one can beat him at it. He is like the owner of all the ground tricks because he can do like every single trick and land it. Rodney Mullen is the man like for real he is sick nasty at skating. My cousin was a skater and he was mad good and then he got into drugs and now he just got out of jail for the like 4th time. I want to be as good as Rodney Mullen one day but i can barely ride a skateboard ha ha oh well.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Liz Mullers fight through seizures
One day in 1980 a woman named Liz Muller experienced her first big tonic clonic seizure while standing in front of her students. After that she didn't know what to make of it and her world was changed instantly. From that point on she remembered visits to the neurologist and taking a lot of medications. In fact a lot of her students experienced seizures to. Liz was able to keep her job and most of her seizures occurred at night. Four years before her seizure Liz met Marcus Muller a paramedic w/the San Marino Fire Department. Soon after they were married and they had a child named Kellie eight years later. Most of Liz's seizures were well managed w/anti-epileptic medications. A few years later Liz's seizures became worse and uncontrollable. Her life became one doctors visit after another w/several anti-epileptic medications prescribed. Her spirits plummeted and she felt life wasn't worth living anymore. In March of 1999 Marc's dad saw a feature news article in the Los Angeles times on Epilepsy and the Brain Mapping Program at Huntington Memorial Hospital. Marc us and her family encouraged her to take the necessary steps to determine if she would be a candidate for surgery. After a series of image tests Liz was admitted to the Hospital for a seven day stay evaluation of the origin, type, and extent of her seizures. Then Liz was admitted to the hospital for another 20 days during a phase II observation and finally another 6 days for phase III. In addition to treasuring her "new life," Liz is now an active soccer mom and a volunteer at Huntington Hospital.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The wildlife preserve
Me and my dad went down to the wells wildlife preserve and we saw alot of deer and other animals. It was pretty cool and i had alot of fun with my dad and also we are going to rebuild a 69' mustang. I dont know when we are going to start on it but it sounds like alot of fun. The car belongs to my workers husband and my dad just has to ask him about it. I am really looking forward to helping my dad on the project but ok back to the wildlife preserve which i have nothing left to say about so bye.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Deer and Coytes
There are so many coytes eating all the deer that people aren't going to get hunting licenses come hunting season. My dad and I always apply for our doe permits and most of the time we get them. My dads friend got his last year but his son didn't get his so my dad got a free doe permit in the mail because his name was drawn in the hat pick so he gave it to his friends son.
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