Monday, April 26, 2010

Crazy Things

I've seen and done some crazy things in my life and some people just say wow i cant believe you actually did that. I dont really care because most of the stuff i do is either just to be funny or just plain stupid and some stuff i just regret doing. I will admit that some of the stuff i've done has got me into some big trouble and i wish i hadnt done it but you know what some things in life you just cant help but doing. I get in trouble with my friends most of the time and i dont really care what people think of me cuz i do it to make my friends and people who dont judge me laugh and the people who think im stupid can just either laugh or not cuz i dont care. Well most people that know me had to get to know me before they hate me and most of them realize wow your pretty cool i dont know why i thought i hated you. Well im out i'll see ya'll next time and by the way PLEASE DONT HATE ME!!! :D

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